So I have been bitten by the crafting bug. A few weeks ago I pulled out my mother's sewing machine for the first time since middle school and started creating with help. I'm going to go ahead and show everything you I have created. Please remember I'm a beginner and learning as I go.
My oldest is obsessed with Dora the Explorer and during the holidays a special ran in which Dora wore a cape. Ever since then, my daughter would flap her towel yelling "shake your cape". I got the brilliant idea to make her a cape. Using this tutorial, I created a cape similar to the one Dora wears. Here is my daughter modeling the back of it. She's 2 so this was the best photo I could get ;).
I have been wanting an apron for a while since I recently started cooking. So I thought this would be a great beginner project. I'm happy with the way it turned out and just in time for V-day. I used this tutorial to create my apron.
Last night, I made these cute headbands for the girls. Here is Banana modeling them. Now I just need to figure out how to get the girls to wear them, maybe bribery ;).

While checking out some other great blogs I spotted this tutorial and knew I had to make it for the girls. Well mine did not come out as I had hoped. I accidently mixed up the measurements and did it in centimeters when I should of done inches. On the bright side, I learned in the future to double check my measurements and the instructions :).
Well we went to Joann's today which was an adventure in itself. Two kids who both had not napped and had been cooped up in the house for the last few days, it was not pretty. On the bright side, I got lots of pretty fabric and 30 % off too! I also finally got a rotary cutter, I can't wait to try it out. Well now that I have fabric I better figure out what I want to do next.
oooo... a rotary cutter! i've been wanting one fo those. i can't believe you braved joanns with both girls! i am not ready for that yet...but i do need to go get some fabric for new curtains...