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Monday, September 27, 2010

Kids Clothes Week Challenge day 3

I'm still behind schedule but I'm determined to do 7 days for the KCWC even if it takes me 2 weeks to do it. :). Now that our internet problems are fixed I can get back to it.

So for Day 3 I had a little bit of this cute fabric left that I really wanted to use. I found this tiered skirt tutorial over at ikat bag that worked perfectly!

I'm thinking this skirt, cowboys boots and the Rodeo.

Kids Clothes Week Challenge day 1 & 2

I'm participating in the Kids Clothes Week Challenge but I'm a bit behind schedule. I decided really late on Day 1 to enter. So much of that day was spent trying to decide what to make and finding a tutorial for it. I ended up deciding to make a spaghetti strap dress and shirring the top. I finished the dress the first night but didn't get to shirring it until the next night.

Since we live in FL this dress will get a lot of wear and when it cools down a long sleeve white shirt will extend it's life. I love how it came out and so does my daughter.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kids Clothes Week Challenge

I just decided spur of the moment that I'm going to try this Kids Clothes Week Challenge. I have a huge stash of fabric and even longer list of projects. Lets hope this narrows both down. Wish me luck.

I-Spy Quilt Finished

Hooray! After many late nights, I have finally finished our I-Spy Quilt.

Here's a recap of my quilting journey.
Awhile back I stumbled across this Disappearing Nine-Patch tutorial over at Obsessively Stitching. I knew right away that I had to make it for my girls. So, when So Simple Stephanie's hosted an I-Spy swap, I jumped at it and ended up with 200 awesome squares. Thus, bright eyed with 200 squares in hand I started my journey that ended in this amazing quilt.
Now I'm going to revel in this quilt until I can work up the courage to tackle the project of making daughter #2 one also.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Since I'm still working on my first quilt and I promised myself that I can't work on anything else till it's done. So instead I'll show some of my favorites that I hope to create.

Jump, Hop, Count Playmat featured on Moda Bake Shop. (my daughter would love this)

Scrappy Clutch from From an Igloo (I pretty much want to try everyone of her tutorials, she is so talented and creative).

Owl Stuffies from Hammer and Thread.

Thanksgiving Banner from Bee in our Bonnet.

What do you love and hope to create one day?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy Sewing Month

September is National Sewing Month so in honor of it I'm going to do what I do best and sew! I have a list a mile high of projects I would like to create. To make things easier and not so overwhelming, I going to start the projects I bought fabric for and finish the projects I already started and put on the back-burner. That is after I finish the I-Spy quilt I'm working on.

Heres a glimpse of how my I-Spy quilt is coming along... almost done with quilt top!

This will soon be my nephew's birthday present. Can't believe he will be 4 years old. Where does the time go?

More I-Spys that will be my other daughter's quilt.

These were bought with the intention of making them into layered shirts but now I'm leaning towards layered dresses. We will just have to wait and see what my mood is when I finally get around to them.

So Simple Stephanie did such an amazing job hosting the I-Spy Swap and I enjoyed it so much I'm doing another one. I'm doing this one through A Trio of Boys...I also believe that at the moment there are still a few spaces left if interested. I highly recommend it!!!