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Monday, September 20, 2010

I-Spy Quilt Finished

Hooray! After many late nights, I have finally finished our I-Spy Quilt.

Here's a recap of my quilting journey.
Awhile back I stumbled across this Disappearing Nine-Patch tutorial over at Obsessively Stitching. I knew right away that I had to make it for my girls. So, when So Simple Stephanie's hosted an I-Spy swap, I jumped at it and ended up with 200 awesome squares. Thus, bright eyed with 200 squares in hand I started my journey that ended in this amazing quilt.
Now I'm going to revel in this quilt until I can work up the courage to tackle the project of making daughter #2 one also.


  1. I'm glad you joined in the swap. And wow, great job on this quilt!

  2. Wow, your quilt looks fantastic! I love the setting squares! I had been wondering how it would look with pink... I love it! :o)

  3. Wow! What a labor of love! This is a really neat idea. I had never thought about making an interactive quilt before.


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